TBC1D16-47KD promoter demethylation is an independent prognostic factor for poor clinical outcome in melanoma patients. (a) Unsupervised clustering analysis using the CpGs located in the TBC1D16-47KD promoter shows enrichment of the hypomethylated sites in the metastatic melanoma samples. Green, unmethylated; red, methylated. (b) Kaplan-Meier analysis of PFS and OS in the melanoma discovery cohort with respect to TBC1D16-47KD methylation status. Significance of the log-rank test is shown. Results of the univariate Cox regression analysis are represented by the HR and 95% CI. Twelve unmethylated and 22 methylated cases had a mean PFS of 1.6 and 8.8 years (yrs), respectively. 12 unmethylated and 24 methylated cases had a mean time OS of 2.8 and 9 years, respectively. (c) Kaplan-Meier analysis of PFS and OS among the melanoma validation cohort with respect to TBC1D16-47KD methylation status. Significance of the log-rank test is shown. Results of the univariate Cox regression analysis are represented by the HR and 95% CI. Thirty-two unmethylated and 39 methylated cases had a mean PFS of 8.1 and 11.6 years, respectively. Thirty-two unmethylated and 39 methylated cases had a mean OS of 4.0 and 4.9 years, respectively.