Fig. S4.
PD-1–deficient CD8 and ex-FoxP3 transferred Rag-2 KO mice. (A) Before transfer, CD8+ and ex-FoxP3 T cells as in Fig. 6A were resorted and analyzed for FACS. (B) FACS analysis of CD8 and ex-FoxP3 expression in the SPL, LNs, and pancreatic LNs of Rag-2 KO mice 4 wk after transfer of each indicated cell. (C) The absolute number of ex-FoxP3 T cells in the SPL, LNs, and pancreatic LNs of mice as in B. Numbers in plots indicate percentage of cells in each gate. Representative data of 3 to ∼4 mice for each group are shown. Bars represent the means (±SEM). *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01.