A. qPCR analysis of SERT mRNA in brainstem, thalamic VB nuclei and PFC from SERTCortexΔ and control SERTfl/fl littermate mice. P5 mice were analyzed, with 4–5 animals/genotype (mean ± SEM, ***, p < 0.001, Student’s t-test). NS, not statistically significantly different. B. qPCR analysis of SERT mRNA in brainstem and thalamic VB nuclei from WT, SERTNull, SERTGluΔ, SERTRapheΔ and control SERTfl/fl littermate mice. This graph is reproduced from our previous study (Chen et al., 2015) to facilitate comparison here of the efficiency and selectivity of neuron-specific Cre-mediated SERT knockouts.