A. Schematic of the experimental approach to evaluate conditional expression of ChR2 in two different Cre lines. A Purkinje cell was recorded in whole cell configuration while synaptic inputs were either evoked with light or by electrical stimulation.
B,C. Representative experiments showing the effects of the CB1R agonist WIN on optically and electrically evoked IPSCs. B, Pcp2-Cre Mpin and C, Pcp2-Cre Jdhu line.
D. Summary of the experiments in B and C.
E. Example photocurrents measured in PCs (top traces) and MLIs (bottom traces) for the Mpin line (left) and the Jdhu line (right).
F.G. Summary of photocurrents measured in PCs and MLIs.
H, I. Confocal images of the cerebellar cortex from the Pcp2-Cre Mpin x tdTomato (top, left) and Pcp2-Cre Jdhu x tdTomato mice (bottom,left) and summary of the percentage of MLIs expressing tdTomato in the two different Cre lines (right, also see Supplementary Figure 3).