Fig. 2.
Maximum likelihood (ML) reconstruction for Sphagnum (rooted with Eosphagnum and Flatbergium as outgroups). All nodes other than those marked by dots are supported by 100 % ML bootstraps and 100 % posterior probabilities. For the three nodes marked, the left value is the ML bootstrap percentage (RAxML; see Supplementary Dat Fig. S25) and the right value is the posterior probability (MrBayes; see Fig. S26). On the left figure, note that branch lengths are scaled differently before and after the node marking the origin of Sphagnum. The smaller figure on the right shows how divergent the outgroups are from Sphagnum, as well as the relatively high divergence among species of Eosphagnum and Flatbergium. *, homoploid hybrid; **, allopolyploid (diploid gametophytes); ***, allopolyploid (diploid and triploid gametophytes).