Table 1.
Cardiovascular/Pulmonary | |
Not Impaired | Heart Rate: 76 beats/min |
Respiratory Rate: 12 breaths/min | |
Integumentary | |
Not Impaired | No presence of scar |
Skin color and texture within normal limits | |
Affect, Cognition, Learning Style, Communication | |
Not Impaired | Alert and oriented times 3 |
Requests pictures for home exercise program | |
English speaking, college educated | |
Neuromuscular | |
Not Impaired | Lower extremity myotomes, transfers, locomotion, balance, coordination all within normal limits. Did not test dermatomes or deep tendon reflexes |
Musculoskeletal | |
Impaired | Hip Strength: 4/5 on L and 4+/5 on R in all planes |
Spinal AROM: 25% limited/painful in all planes | |
All other uni-planar AROM within functional limits all planes |
L = left; R = right; AROM = active range of motion