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. 2016 Aug;11(4):575–595.
Rx Day 1(exam) Foam Rolling: quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes (1 minute each) Standing rear foot elevated hip flexor stretch (2 × 1 min hold B/L) Standing hamstring stretch in doorway (10 × 15 second hold B/L)
Rx Day 2 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat STM erector spinae, multifidi, thoracic-lumbar (T-L) junction 15 minutes Manual Concentric contract-relax hamstring stretching in supine ( 2 × 5 B/L) Standing rear foot elevated hip flexor stretch (2 × 1 min hold B/L) High velocity manipulation of T-spine in supine (T2–T8) Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) Thoracic + lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prone (T1–L3) 5 minutes
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10)
Rx Day 3 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat STM erector spinae, T-L junction, posterior rotator cuff 15minutes Supine rib rolling/thoracic rotation stretch (2x10 with 10 second hold B/L) Thoracic/lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prine (T1–L3) 5 minutes Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R)
Rx Day 4 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat STM erector spinae, posterior rotator cuff 10 minutes Thoracic/lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prine (T1–L3) 5 minutes Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) ½ kneeling hip flexor stretch with anterior band pull (2 × 1 min hold B/L) Manual Concentric contract-relax hamstring stretching in supine ( 2 × 5 B/L ) Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) (MSF cleared) TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold)
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10) (MSE cleared)
Rx Day 5 DN: MSF, MSE, B/L cervical rotation, R MRE, deep squat ½ kneeling hip flexor stretch with anterior band pull (2 × 1 min hold B/L) Self contract-relax hamstring stretch with band in prone ( 2 × 5 B/L) Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) (MSF cleared) Squats to 18” bench (3 × 10) Planks (3 × 30 seconds) Cat-camel pelvic rotation in quadruped (1x10) Posterior weight-shift/spine loading into stability ball in quadruped (2x10)
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10) (MSE cleared) Bird-dogs (2x10 B/L)
Rx Day 6 DN: B/L cervical rotation, R MRE, deep squat Planks (3 × 30 seconds) ½ kneeling diagonal lifts with core activationwith Cook band (2 × 10 B/L) Squats to 18” bench (3x10) RNT banded squats with anterior pull at knee (2 × 10)
Rx Day 7 DN: B/L cervical rotation, R MRE STM posterior rotator cuff and pec minor 10 minutes Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold) Medial shoulder rotation mobility in extension with dowel (10 × 3 second hold) Goblet Squats to 18” bench with 12kg kettlebell(3 × 10) Posterior weight shift patterning with dowel(2 × 10) Deadlift latissimus activation with barbell (1x5)
Kettlebell deadlifts from 6” box 16kg (3 × 8)
Rx Day 8 DN: R MRE Self soft tissue massage to posterior rotator cuff and pec minor with lacrosse ball 5 minutes Horizontal shoulder adduction self stretch prone on table (5 × 15 second hold) Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) ½ kneeling rhythmic stabilization for core control (2 × 10 B/L) ½ kneeling diagonal lifts and chops with Cook band (2x10 B/L)
Rx Day 9 DN: R MRE STM posterior rotator cuff and pec minor 10 minutes High velocity manipulation of T-spine in supine (T2–T8) Barbell squats with 75 lbs (3 × 8) Sled push with core activation with 90 lbs (4 × 100 ft) Split squats (3 × 8 B/L) Barbell deadlifts with 115 lbs (3x6)
Rx Day 10 DN: R MRE Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold) Medial shoulder rotation mobility in extension with dowel (10 × 3 second hold) Single leg squats to 18” bench (3x8) Barbell deadlifts with 115 lbs (3x6) Single leg dead lift patterning with dowel (1x10) Single leg dead lift to 6” box with 12kg kettlebell (3x6)
Rx Day 11 DN: R MRE STM pec minor and posterior rotator cuff Horizontal shoulder adduction self-stretch in prone (5 × 15 second hold) Sled push with core activation with 90 lbs (4 × 100 ft) Single leg dead lift to 6” box with 12kg kettlebell (3x8) Single leg squats to 18” bench (3x10)
Rx Day 12 DN: R MRE, B/L cervical rotation STM scalene and upper trapezius 10 minutes High velocity manipulation of T-spine in prone (T2–T8) Barbell shoulder extension stretch (2 × 6 for 5 second hold) Core engage plank walkouts (2 × 10) Squat Review
Rx Day 13 DN: R MRE FMS Screen HEP review

STM = soft tissue massage; P-A = posterior-anterior; R = right, L = left, B/L = bilateral

SFMA = Selective Functional Movement Assessment; DN = dysfunctional/non-painful; MSF = multi-segmental flexion, MSE = multi-segmental extension, MSR = multi-segmental rotation, MRE = medial rotation extension; ✔ = repeat of exercise above, FMS = Functional Movement Screen.