Interventions | |||||||
Rx Day 1(exam) | Foam Rolling: quadriceps, hamstrings, hip flexors, glutes (1 minute each) | Standing rear foot elevated hip flexor stretch (2 × 1 min hold B/L) | Standing hamstring stretch in doorway (10 × 15 second hold B/L) | ||||
Rx Day 2 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat | STM erector spinae, multifidi, thoracic-lumbar (T-L) junction 15 minutes | Manual Concentric contract-relax hamstring stretching in supine ( 2 × 5 B/L) | Standing rear foot elevated hip flexor stretch (2 × 1 min hold B/L) | High velocity manipulation of T-spine in supine (T2–T8) | Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) | Thoracic + lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prone (T1–L3) 5 minutes | |
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10) | |||||||
Rx Day 3 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat | STM erector spinae, T-L junction, posterior rotator cuff 15minutes | Supine rib rolling/thoracic rotation stretch (2x10 with 10 second hold B/L) | ✔ | ✔ | Thoracic/lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prine (T1–L3) 5 minutes | Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) | |
Rx Day 4 DN: MSF, MSE, MSR, B/L cervical rotation, B/L MRE, deep squat | STM erector spinae, posterior rotator cuff 10 minutes | Thoracic/lumbar grade III–IV P-A glides in prine (T1–L3) 5 minutes | Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) | ½ kneeling hip flexor stretch with anterior band pull (2 × 1 min hold B/L) | Manual Concentric contract-relax hamstring stretching in supine ( 2 × 5 B/L ) | Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) (MSF cleared) | TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold) |
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10) (MSE cleared) | |||||||
Rx Day 5 DN: MSF, MSE, B/L cervical rotation, R MRE, deep squat | ½ kneeling hip flexor stretch with anterior band pull (2 × 1 min hold B/L) | Self contract-relax hamstring stretch with band in prone ( 2 × 5 B/L) | Rear foot elevated MSF (2x10) (MSF cleared) | Squats to 18” bench (3 × 10) | Planks (3 × 30 seconds) | Cat-camel pelvic rotation in quadruped (1x10) | Posterior weight-shift/spine loading into stability ball in quadruped (2x10) |
Forefoot elevated MSE (2x10) (MSE cleared) | Bird-dogs (2x10 B/L) | ||||||
Rx Day 6 DN: B/L cervical rotation, R MRE, deep squat | ✔ | ✔ | ✔ | Planks (3 × 30 seconds) | ½ kneeling diagonal lifts with core activationwith Cook band (2 × 10 B/L) | Squats to 18” bench (3x10) | RNT banded squats with anterior pull at knee (2 × 10) |
Rx Day 7 DN: B/L cervical rotation, R MRE | STM posterior rotator cuff and pec minor 10 minutes | Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) | TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold) | Medial shoulder rotation mobility in extension with dowel (10 × 3 second hold) | Goblet Squats to 18” bench with 12kg kettlebell(3 × 10) | Posterior weight shift patterning with dowel(2 × 10) | Deadlift latissimus activation with barbell (1x5) |
Kettlebell deadlifts from 6” box 16kg (3 × 8) | |||||||
Rx Day 8 DN: R MRE | Self soft tissue massage to posterior rotator cuff and pec minor with lacrosse ball 5 minutes | Horizontal shoulder adduction self stretch prone on table (5 × 15 second hold) | Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) | ✔ | ✔ | ½ kneeling rhythmic stabilization for core control (2 × 10 B/L) | ½ kneeling diagonal lifts and chops with Cook band (2x10 B/L) |
Rx Day 9 DN: R MRE | STM posterior rotator cuff and pec minor 10 minutes | High velocity manipulation of T-spine in supine (T2–T8) | ✔ | Barbell squats with 75 lbs (3 × 8) | Sled push with core activation with 90 lbs (4 × 100 ft) | Split squats (3 × 8 B/L) | Barbell deadlifts with 115 lbs (3x6) |
Rx Day 10 DN: R MRE | Banded MRE stretch in standing (10 × 15 second hold R) | TRX walkout shoulder extension (10 × 10 second hold) | Medial shoulder rotation mobility in extension with dowel (10 × 3 second hold) | Single leg squats to 18” bench (3x8) | Barbell deadlifts with 115 lbs (3x6) | Single leg dead lift patterning with dowel (1x10) | Single leg dead lift to 6” box with 12kg kettlebell (3x6) |
Rx Day 11 DN: R MRE | ✔ | ✔ | STM pec minor and posterior rotator cuff | Horizontal shoulder adduction self-stretch in prone (5 × 15 second hold) | Sled push with core activation with 90 lbs (4 × 100 ft) | Single leg dead lift to 6” box with 12kg kettlebell (3x8) | Single leg squats to 18” bench (3x10) |
Rx Day 12 DN: R MRE, B/L cervical rotation | STM scalene and upper trapezius 10 minutes | High velocity manipulation of T-spine in prone (T2–T8) | Barbell shoulder extension stretch (2 × 6 for 5 second hold) | Core engage plank walkouts (2 × 10) | Squat Review | ||
Rx Day 13 DN: R MRE | FMS Screen | HEP review |
STM = soft tissue massage; P-A = posterior-anterior; R = right, L = left, B/L = bilateral
SFMA = Selective Functional Movement Assessment; DN = dysfunctional/non-painful; MSF = multi-segmental flexion, MSE = multi-segmental extension, MSR = multi-segmental rotation, MRE = medial rotation extension; ✔ = repeat of exercise above, FMS = Functional Movement Screen.