A) Representative DAPI stained images of seminal vesicles (outlined in dotted line) from either w1118/w1118 or w1118/OregonR males containing either wildtype mtDNA or COII
G177S mutant mtDNA. All males were raised at 25°C and allowed to age before dissection. Note the much smaller seminal vesicle sizes in COII
G177S mutant mtDNA containing aged w1118/w1118 males are completely restored in the w1118/OregonR males. Scale bar, 100 μm. (
B) Quantification of the seminal vesicle size, as measured by cross-sectional area, normalized to aged wildtype mtDNA males raised at 25°C (data from
Figure 7—figure supplement 1 is reproduced here for easy comparison). Average calculated from 5–7 testes. Error bars represent standard error of the mean.