Figure 1. FLT3 is highly expressed and miR-150 is repressed in AML.
(A–C) The expression patterns of FLT3 across different FAB subtypes (A), cytogenetic subtypes (B) or subtypes with different molecular mutations (C) in the GSE37642 AML cohort. In Figure plots A and B, P-value was shown for the particular AML subtypes in which FLT3 was expressed at a significantly higher or lower level than that in the whole AML set (n=562). In Figure plot C, the P-value was shown for comparison between each individual AML subtype (with a particular type of molecular abnormalities) and the whole AML set (left panel), or between AML cases with and without a particular type of molecular abnormalities (right panel). ND, not determined; complex, complex karyotypes; other, other cytogenetic abnormalities; CN, cytogenetically normal; _Mut, with a particular type of molecular mutations; _Neg, without a particular type of molecular mutations. Note: The expression values were log(2) transformed and normalized by RMA (29). Over 40% of the AML cases with NPM1 mutations also have FLT3-ITD. (D) qPCR analysis of expression of both FLT3 and miR-150 in 23 human primary AML mononuclear (MNC) samples including 3 t(4;11), 1 t(6;11), 9 t(9;11), 1 t(11;19), 3 t(8;21), 1 t(15;17), 3 inv(16), 1 FLT3-ITD, and 1 t(4;11)/FLT3-ITD, along with 5 normal BM cell controls (Ctrl; including 3 MNC and 2 CD34+ samples). The P-values were calculated by two-tailed t-test.