Figure 5. Therapeutic effect of G7-Flt3L-miR-150 nanoparticles in treating AML.
(A) Secondary BMT recipient mice transplanted with primary MLL-AF9 AML cells were treated with nanoparticles (G7-NH2-miR-150mut, G7-NH2-miR-150, G7-Flt3L-miR-150mut or G7-Flt3L-miR-150) or PBS control after the onset of AML. The medium survivals of G7-Flt3L-miR-150 group, the control group and the G7-NH2-miR-150 treated group are 86 days, 54 days, and 63 days, respectively. (B) Synergistic therapeutic effect of G7-Flt3L-miR-150 and JQ1. The same MLL-AF9 AML mouse model was employed. Kaplan-Meier curves are shown. G7-NH2-miR-150+JQ1 v.s. JQ1 alone: P=0.2062; G7-Flt3L-miR-150 v.s. JQ1 alone: P=0.0051. All the P values were detected by log-rank test. (C) Wright-Giemsa stained PB and BM, and hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stained spleen and liver of the MLL-AF9-secondary leukemic mice treated with PBS control, JQ1 and/or miR-150-formulated nanoparticles. Samples were taken at the endpoints or 200 days post-BM transplantation. Representative images are shown.