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. 2016 Aug 3;36(31):8038–8049. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0856-16.2016

Table 1.


Term Definition
Unconditioned stimulus (US) Any stimulus that can trigger a response without prior learning experience
Conditioned stimulus (CS) An initially neutral stimulus that gains the ability to evoke responses after being paired with an unconditioned stimulus
Cue fear conditioning The process by which a discrete and salient sensory stimulus, such as a neutral tone, is paired with a noxious US, usually a mild foot shock. As a result, the CS acquires the ability to elicit the responses originally associated with the US
Contextual fear conditioning The process by which a context where the animal received a noxious US acquires the ability to elicit fear responses
Elevated plus maze An apparatus that consists of open and enclosed arms, used commonly for probing anxiety in rodents
Fear Various types of short-lived defensive responses elicited by imminent threats. Whereas fear is accompanied by feelings of fright in humans, it is unclear whether animals also experienced such states
Anxiety Various types of enduring responses elicited by diffuse and uncertain treats. Whereas anxiety is accompanied by feelings of dread in humans, it is unclear whether animals also experienced such states
Anxiogenic Stimulus or process that promotes anxiety
Anxiolytic Stimulus or process that reduces anxiety
Fear-potentiated startle A paradigm where fear is assessed by measuring startle responses elicited by loud noise bursts. After CS-footshock pairings, noise bursts presented during the CS elicit higher startle responses
Cue-induced reinstatement In drug dependence experiments, animals are often trained to lever press for drug self-administration when cued with the presentation of a light and tone compound stimulus. Following self-administration, animals undergo an extinction period where lever responses decrease but do not completely disappear. Next, in cue-induced reinforcement, reintroduction of the light-tone CS results in an increase of lever presses, even though no drug is delivered in this part of the experiment