A, Greater drug-induced reinstatement of cocaine (COC) intake in LgA compared with ShA rats. B, C, Intravenous TC reduced drug-induced reinstatement of cocaine intake in both ShA (B) and LgA (C) rats. D–F, The latency to the first self-infusion was shorter in rats primed with a cocaine infusion than in rats primed with a saline infusion (D), and TC increased this latency more strongly in LgA than ShA rats (E vs F). *Significant difference (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05) compared with saline (SAL; A, D) or control peptide TE (B, C, E, F). ∧Significant difference (one-way ANOVA, p < 0.05) compared with ShA (A, D). In B, C, E, and F, values are normalized to preceding NT sessions. ShA, n = 9; LgA, n = 10. Note: cocaine intake remained stable throughout the four reinstatement sessions (B, C, TE bar is not different from 100%; one-sample t test, p = n.s.), which suggest that the motivational drive for responding was not substantially affected by session repetition.