Figure 2.
Correlogram analyses used to quantify the (interaural) correlations in neural coding of ENV and TFS with noise-vocoded speech. A, To compute interaural correlations, pairs of spike trains are treated as if derived from two different ears. Counting of spike coincidences between responses from such a pair predicts the output of a simple binaural coincidence detector, which would receive inputs from a physiological site in the two ears. Trapezoidal shapes represent uncoiled basilar membranes. B, Construction of correlograms from two sets of spike trains. The delays at which coincidences are obtained between spikes in these conditions are tallied in a histogram. Columns 1 and 2 (C, D, F, G, I, J) show temporal coding of ENV-vocoded speech created with noise carriers A and B, respectively; column 3 (E, H, K) illustrates the similarity in temporal coding between these two conditions (ρTFS and ρENV). Fiber CF = 744 Hz.