FABP5 immunoreactivity is mostly observed in glial cells post-SCI. FABP5 immunoreactivity was detected in oligodendrocytes (A) and precursor cells expressing the NG2 proteoglycan (B). Immunofluorescence photomicrographs revealed FABP5 protein expression in axons and cytoskeletal structures of the VWM (C) and DRG (D). FABP5 was not expressed in macrophages/monocytes (CD68) (F). Pre-immunization serum confirmed the specificity of the immunoreaction (G). Scale bars: 20 μm. APC, allophycocyanin; dCST, dorsal corticospinal tract; DRG, dorsal root ganglion; FABP5, fatty acid binding protein 5; NFH, neurofilament heavy polypeptide; NG2, neuron-glial antigen 2; SCI, spinal cord injury; VWM, ventral white matter; WM, white matter.