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. 2016 Aug 1;32(8):743–755. doi: 10.1089/aid.2016.0026

Table 1.

Demographic Characteristics and Outcomes at Baseline by Trial Arm

Characteristic CCRT (N = 53), n (%) Limited CCRT (N = 52), n (%) Control (N = 54), n (%) p-Value for comparison by arm
 Male 29 (55) 26 (49) 22 (42) .39
 Female 24 (45) 27 (51) 31 (58)  
 Kayunga (periurban) 6 (11) 16 (30) 13 (25) .13
 Kangulumira (rural) 11 (21) 7 (13) 12 (22)  
 Other (rural) 36 (68) 30 (57) 28 (53)  
 Mother 23 (43) 20 (38) 18 (34) .60
 Other 30 (57) 33 (62) 35 (66)  
On HAART at intake
 No 27 (51) 15 (28) 25 (47) .04*
 Yes 26 (49) 38 (72) 28 (53)  
  Mean (SD) Mean (SD) Mean (SD)  
Age in years 9.20 (1.70) 8.86 (1.90) 8.65 (1.97) .30
Weight-for-age z scorea −1.27 (0.81) −1.14 (1.01) −1.17 (0.93) .74
Height-for-age z scorea −1.19 (1.42) −1.28 (1.44) −1.22 (1.34) .94
Socioeconomic score 9.68 (3.10) 11.00 (3.50) 10.04 (2.93) .09
HOME score total 28.19 (6.71) 29.87 (6.70) 29.34 (5.85) .40
CD4% 35.61 (14.06) 37.25 (15.47) 34.92 (15.22) .71
CD4_38H (CD4 activation) 5.12 (4.53) 5.23 (5.46) 6.09 (5.01) .56
CD8% 54.14 (13.23) 52.84 (14.27) 54.15 (13.44) .85
CD8_38H (CD8 activation) 17.00 (10.35) 14.84 (10.69) 18.21 (12.01) .29
Viral load (log) 7.21 (5.47) 5.72 (5.54) 7.66 (5.32) .17
KABC-IIb sequential processing 69.25 (9.95) 70.25 (8.70) 68.38 (10.22) .61
KABC-II simultaneous processing 59.85 (9.55) 60.81 (11.19) 61.96 (9.88) .83
KABC-II learning 64.01 (9.14) 71.00 (11.31) 64.81 (8.56) <.01**
KABC-II knowledge 63.62 (10.35) 64.85 (13.62) 62.13 (13.10) .53
KABC-II planning 59.23 (7.07) 58.61 (11.74) 59.90 (7.59) .81
KABC-II delayed recall 65.89 (8.50) 70.77 (10.78) 67.17 (7.95) .02*
KABC-II nonverbal index 57.68 (7.96) 58.23 (13.54) 58.36 (7.62) .94
KABC-II mental processing index 56.83 (7.16) 59.30 (8.50) 57.91 (6.54) .23
TOVA% omission errors 22.81 (20.39) 21.53 (21.13) 26.55 (20.81) .44
TOVA% commission errors 12.06 (10.77) 13.32 (13.46) 13.07 (11.12) .85
TOVA response time (msec) 651.81 (146.62) 653.42 (140.53) 692.77 (143.92) .25
TOVA response time variability (msec) 251.43 (72.02) 254.30 (82.27) 270.71 (67.41) .35
TOVA D prime signal detection score 2.42 (0.95) 2.28 (1.18) 2.06 (1.03) .52
TOVA ADHD index −6.09 (3.15) −5.35 (3.25) −5.99 (2.45) .38
BOT-2 total motor scorec 33.06 (4.40) 32.34 (5.24) 31.79 (5.40) .43
CogState, maze chase correct moves per second 0.20 (0.13) 0.22 (0.14) 0.19 (0.13) .46
CogState, moves maze learning correct moves per second 0.10 (0.07) 0.09 (0.08) 0.07 (0.08) .07
CogState, detection time: playing card turning (log msec) 2.85 (0.11) 2.83 (0.12) 2.86 (0.10) .32
CogState, identification time: red playing card turning log msec) 2.98 (0.10) 2.98 (0.10) 3.00 (0.09) .73
CogState, accuracy in one-card learning 0.62 (0.18) 0.60 (0.14) 0.57 (0.16) .26
CogState, accuracy in one-back card memory 0.67 (0.29) 0.70 (0.27) 0.58 (0.28) .10
BRIEF behavior regulation indexc 47.83 (11.13) 46.09 (9.09) 44.79 (7.12) .28
BRIEF metacognition index 50.04 (11.31) 47.00 (8.62) 49.13 (9.83) .32
BRIEF global executive composite 49.17 (11.13) 46.45 (8.12) 47.44 (8.27) .36
CBCL externalizing totalc 60.69 (9.92) 58.42 (6.88) 58.25 (7.52) .24
CBCL internalizing total 61.63 (8.73) 60.13 (8.63) 60.26 (10.23) .65
CBCL total 60.00 (9.53) 57.25 (7.52) 58.13 (8.25) .31

WHO 2013 norms.


Standardized scores using age-based norms.


T scores using age- and gender-based norms.


p < .05; **p < .01.

p-Values in bold are statistically significant.

BOT-2, Bruininks/Oseretsky test for motor proficiency–second edition; BRIEF, behavior rating inventory for executive function; CBCL, child behavior checklist; CCRT, computerized cognitive rehabilitation training; HAART, highly active antiretroviral therapy; HOME, home observation for the measurement of the environment; KABC-II, Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children–second edition; TOVA, test of variables of attention.