Figure 1. Testing real experimental data for chronotaxicity.
(a) Example NADH signal from an isolated yeast cell, recorded in38. (b) Time series of sinφGO from the model using the instantaneous frequency extracted from (a) as the driver ωG. (c,d) Continuous wavelet transforms of the time series in (a,b), respectively. (e) The instantaneous frequency of the oscillatory modes were extracted from the wavelet transforms, and smoothed using a moving average. (f) Integrating over the smoothed frequency provides the phase for each case. (g) Subtracting the smoothed phase from the observed phase provides the phase fluctuations, Δφ, in the system. (h) Detrended fluctuation analysis performed on Δφ suggests that the glycolytic oscillations observed in a real yeast cell (orange line) are chronotaxic. α = DFA exponent from yeast cell, αc = DFA exponent from model.