Figure 1. Anomalies of precipitation frequency in percentile bins of intensity based on chronological years.
(a) Percentage of positive and negative anomaly rainfall years for different percentile category for pre- and post-1975 years. The lower percentile rainfall intensity shows an increase in frequency after 1975, though the signature of increase in extreme rainfall is not prominent for the higher percentile rainfall intensity. Further, extremes and its relation to 2AT (b) and SST in the TIO (c) are also examined. The percentage (%) values assigned on percentile bins show the percentage of years with negative (blue) and positive (red) anomalies during pre- to post-1975 and also during cold and warm years respectively, as defined by 2AT over India and TIO. The plots depict that the signature of increase in precipitation extremes with temperature is not significant. The figures were created using MATLAB (