Table 1.
FL problems mentioned by at least three respondents (n = 59)
Problem | Frequency | Problem | Frequency |
Unemployment | 38 | Corruption | 5 |
Medical care (quality) | 26 | The culture has changed | 5 |
No money | 25 | Divorce | 5 |
Health services (cost) | 21 | Climate/pollution | 5 |
Problems with education | 13 | Problems in the familya | 4 |
Health problems | 13 | Drunkenness | 4 |
High prices | 13 | Depressiona | 4 |
The ethics of communication | 12 | Stress/Nervous peoplea | 4 |
Traffic | 11 | No free speech | 4 |
Low salaries/pensions | 10 | No social support/assistance | 4 |
Poor behavior of young people | 9 | Lack of time | 3 |
No roofs over their heads/housing | 7 | Quality of water | 3 |
Bad psychological healtha | 7 | Infertility | 3 |
Drug addiction | 7 | Religion | 3 |
The young people are not well-bred | 6 |
aPriority problem explored in KI interviews