Maternal temperature affects the RDO5 dormancy phenotype. A, Germination of NIL DOG1, rdo5-1, dog1-1, and rdo5-1 dog1-1 freshly harvested seeds that matured under a d/n regime of 22/16°C or 16/14°C. Shown are means ± se of six to eight independent batches of seeds for each genotype. B, qRT-PCR analysis of RDO5 transcript levels in NIL DOG1 dry and 6HAI seeds that matured under a d/n regime of 22/16°C or 16/14°C. The expression values were normalized using ACT8 as control. n = 3 biological replicates; error bars represent se. C, qRT-PCR analysis of APUM9 transcript levels in NIL DOG1, rdo5-1, dog1-1, and rdo5-1 dog1-1 dry and 6HAI seeds that matured under a d/n regime of 22/16°C or 16/14°C. The expression values were normalized using ACT8 as control. n = 3 biological replicates; error bars represent se.