Fig 2. Impact of PegIFNα and sequential NUC therapy on NK cell numbers, proliferation and activation.
Cumulative longitudinal data demonstrating change in CD56bright NK cells over the course of PegIFNα therapy by (A) percent and absolute cell number (median ± 95%CI), (n = 18). Change in the number of (B) CD56bright NK cells and (C) CD56dim NK cells (by percent and absolute number) in 9 paired cross-sectional samples in patients on sequential NUC therapy; showing pre-treatment numbers, last sampling treatment time-point on PegIFNα therapy and final sampling time-point on sequential NUC therapy. (D) Corresponding overall ALT, HBV DNA and HBsAg levels (mean + SEM) at the aforementioned sampling time-points. Proportion of CD56bright NK cells expressing (E) Ki67 and (F) HLA-DR, in 9 paired samples, pre-treatment, on PegIFNα and sequential NUC therapy, with representative FACS plots at these time-points. Significant changes marked with asterisks, *P<0.05;**P<0.01; ***P<0.001, ns = not significant.