MEIS1 expression is elevated in human MPNSTs. (A) Violin plot of MEIS1 gene expression data in each of seven sample types, normalized to expression in Schwann cells. Abbreviations = dermal neurofibroma Schwann cells (dNFSC), plexiform neurofibroma Schwann cell (pNFSC), dermal neurofibroma tumors (dNF), plexiform neurofibroma tumors (pNF), MPNST cell lines and MPNST solid tumors versus normal human Schwann cells (NHSC). (B) Representative anti-MEIS1 staining visualized with DAB (brown) counterstained with hematoxylin (blue); scale bar, 100 μm. (C) A bar graph displays gene amplification data of NF related MPNST and Sporadic MPNST. (D) Bar graph depicts MEIS1 mRNA normalized to iHSCs for MPNST cell lines (S462TY, T265, 8814, STS26T; p < 0.001 by ANOVA: single factor). (E) Immunoblot shows elevated MEIS1 protein is MPNST cell lines versus iHSC.