Figure 3. Smn deficiency does not alter the somato-dendritic area of MNs.
(A) Single-plane confocal images of Alexa-555 intracellularly-filled control (−Dox) and Smn-deficient (+Dox) MNs differentiated from RNAi ES cells in mixed cultures at 5DIV (upper panels) and Neurolucida reconstructions of their dendritic trees (bottom panels). (B) Quantification of dendritic tree, soma area and capacitance of control (n=13) and Smn-deficient (n=12) MNs in mixed cultures at 5DIV. (C) Single-plane confocal images of Alexa-555 intracellularly-filled control (−Dox) and Smn-deficient (+Dox) FACS purified MNs differentiated from RNAi ES cells at 5DIV (upper panels) and Neurolucida reconstruction of their dendritic trees (bottom panels). (D) Quantification of dendritic tree, soma area and capacitance of control (n=9) and Smn-deficient (n=7) MNs in FACS purified cultures at 5DIV. Arrows indicate putative axons. Scale bars=40µm. See also Figure S3.