Fig. 2. Mycobacteria translocate across M-cells in vitro.
a,b M. marinum or Mtb (c,d) were added to the apical compartment of Caco-2 transwells with or without coculture with RajiB cells. Percent translocation was determined by dividing CFU recovered from the basolateral compartment by the apical compartment inoculum (a,c) and TEER (b,d) was measured directly. e, Mtb was added to RajiB treated transwells maintained at either 4 or 37°C and CFU enumerated as above. f, Human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells were treated as above and Mtb translocation determined. Experiments are representative of at least 3 independent experiments. * p<0.05 by Student’s t-test compared to control.