Figure 5. Myeloid KLF6 modulates inflammatory gene expression in colon tissue.
Colon tissue from Mac-KLF6-WT and Mac-KLF6-KO mice was collected following 5 days of 3% DSS challenge (or water-fed control) and analyzed for gene expression. (A) cDNA was analyzed for expression of pro-inflammatory genes Il1a, Il1b, Il6, Tnf, Mcp1, inos, Mip1a, Mip1b, and Il33. Gene expression was normalized to the housekeeping gene 36b4 and is expressed as fold change of the control (water-fed) group; *p≤0.01, **p≤0.001, n=4–5/group. (B) cDNA was analyzed for expression of anti-inflammatory genes Arg1 and Il10, then normalized to 36b4 and expressed as fold change of the control group. Graphs show mean ± SEM; *p≤0.02; **p≤0.003, n=4–5/group.