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. 2016 Aug 4;10:80. doi: 10.3389/fnana.2016.00080



Simplified diagram illustrating the position of Er-arthropsin immunoreactive somata and neuropils in the anterior nervous system of Onychophora. Immunoreactivity within the nerve cord neuropils and the antennal tracts not shown. (A) Dorsal view. Immunoreactive somata and neuropils within the brain are shown. (B) Lateral view. Immunoreactive somata within the brain are shown. Immunoreactive neuropils are not shown. (C) Transverse view (based on cross sections of the head). Immunoreactive neuropils within the brain and immunoreactive somata within the antennal glomeruli are shown. Abbreviations: ag, antennal glomeruli; at, antennal tract; cb, central body; cn, central neuropil; dc, deutocerebrum; ey, eye; ho, hyprocerebral organ; mb, mushroom body; nc, nerve cord; pc, protocerebrum.