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. 2015 Sep 28;43:650–662. doi: 10.1007/s10488-015-0679-0

Table 5.

Differences in Health Care utilization for somatic disorders of patients with NAPD compared to matched controls by stratum of age and duration since earliest date of registered diagnosis; percentage, average marginal effect (AME)a and 95 % confidence interval

Diagnosis Number of patients/number of controls % ≥1 DTP with somatic diagnosis
Patients with NAPD versus controls
% with any somatic HCu
Patients with NAPD versus controls
% % Average marginal effect 95 % CI % % Average marginal effect 95 % CI
Age & duration
 <40 years
  <2 years 223/1320 37.4 38.6 −1.15 −8.89 to 6.59 85.2 81.7 3.64 −3.07 to 10.34
  2–5 222/1314 38.1 38.2 −0.02 −7.90 to 7.86 85.6 81.2 4.54 −2.25 to 11.33
  ≥5 384/2304 34.4 37.8 −3.39 −9.74 to 2.97 80.5 81.9 −1.53 −8.43 to 5.35
 40–60 years
  <2 years 203/1224 45.1 47.9 −2.80 −11.01 to 5.41 87.9 86.1 1.18 −4.29 to 7.91
  2–5 294/1770 33.2 47.4 −14.27*** −20.87 to −7.67 80.6 86.5 −5.79 −12.1 to 0.55
  ≥5 567/3390 36.9 46.6 −9.71** −15.18 to −4.24 81.6 86.1 −4.68 −10.07 to 0.71
 >60 years
  <2 years 154/934 58.4 66.2 −7.60 −16.20 to 0.98 91.6 92.5 −0.70 −5.49 to 4.09
  2–5 123/750 58.9 65.7 −6.66 −16.27 to 2.94 88.5 91.2 −2.23 −8.44 to 3.98
  ≥5 222/1344 47.5 64.2 −16.61*** −24.10 to −9.12 80.6 93.1 −10.99*** −17.02 to −4.97
Effect of interaction between stratum (age & duration) and patient versus control (df = 8) p = 0.0047 p < 0.001

Adjusted for gender, ethnic minority, depression, personality disorder, alcohol and drug abuse/dependence

aDifference in percentages of HCu between patients and controls computed as average marginal effect

* p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001