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. 2016 Aug 3;95(2):278–287. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.15-0290

Table 2.

Sample descriptives showing student demographic and hygiene-related behavioral factors (N = 2,082) and school (N = 116) hygiene- and sanitation-related structural factors

n % 95% CI*
Student factors (N = 2,082)
 Sex (observed)
  Males 1,052 50.5 47.0–52.0
 Grade (observed)
  4 1,033 49.6 47.7–51.6
 Age (self-reported)
  Median (IQR) 10 (9–11)
Hygiene behavior (self-reported)
 Poor handwashing before meals 436 20.9 18.0–24.2
 Poor handwashing after toilet use 436 20.9 18.2–24.0
 Inconsistent toilet use 1,060 50.9 45.7–56.1
 Diarrhea prevented student from attending class 863 41.5 38.2–44.7
 Poor education recall 278 13.4 11.4–15.7
 Last time had diarrhea drank ORS 667 32.0 28.8–35.5
School factors (N = 116)
 Facilities (observed)
  Type of toilet
   Latrine 68 58.6 49.9–66.8
   Septic tank 53 45.7 37.3–54.4
   Pour flush 63 54.3 45.1–63.4
  Number of toilets, median (IQR) 4 (2–6)
  Number of handwash stations, median (IQR) 2 (1–3)
  Students-to-toilet ratio, median (IQR) 52 (27–76)
  Students-to-handwash station ratio, median (IQR) 76 (38–148)
  Handwash station not near toilet 66 74.2 63.7–82.4
  Provision of no separate toilets for female students 60 51.7 42.6–60.8
  Insufficient soap available 83 71.6 62.8–78.9
  Insufficient water available 30 25.9 18.7–34.6
 Illness in past week (self-reported)
  Neither diarrhea nor vomiting 1,352 64.9 61.2–68.5
  Diarrhea only 233 11.2 9.9–13.8
  Vomiting only 253 12.1 10.3–14.3
  Diarrhea and vomiting 244 11.7 9.2–13.5

CI = confidence interval; IQR = interquartile range; ORS = oral rehydration salts.


Standard errors adjusted for school clustering and regional stratification.