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. 2016 Aug 4;9:428. doi: 10.1186/s13071-016-1681-4

Table 4.

Snail population-transmission dynamics

Dynamic variables for the snail model are population densities (per unit habitat)
x: susceptible; y: prepatent; z: patent; N = x + y + z- total.
Basic processes and parameters include
(i) snail reproduction (logistic growth) β = β 0(x + y)(1 − N/K), with maximal reproduction rate β 0 and carrying capacity K;
(ii) snail mortality v;
(iii) snail FOI Λ(determined by human host egg outputs) ;
(iv) recovery rate r (prepatency period 1/r)
(v) patency conversion fraction c.
In population growth term β, only susceptible and prepatent snails (x + y) reproduce. Combined growth-SEI dynamics consists of 3 differential equations
Parameter values and ranges for the snail system are given in Table 5.
Short-lived larval stages (M, C) equilibrate rapidly at levels proportion to human/snail (H, N) multiplied by their respective infectivity. Specifically,
C* = α CN z; M* = β M ω H E (6)
where αC=πCνC (“C-production /patent snail” over “C-mortality”). For miracidia the relevant inputs include environmental egg-release by host population ω H E, ω = human-snail contact rate, H - population size, E - mean host infectivity - egg release (Eq. 5), coefficient βM=σMνM (“survival fraction of eggs” over “M - mortality”)