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. 2015 Sep 21;2(1):e1057313. doi: 10.1080/23262133.2015.1057313

Table 3.

Results from generalized linear models describing expression of her5 (scaled relative to midbrain size) as i) a function of SU5402 at 10µM (fSU540210) and IWR-1 at either 20 or 30µM (fIWR120, fIWR130), or ii) a function of SU5402 at 10µM relative to IWR-1 (fIWR1). Addition of IWR-1 at 20 or 30µM does not result in significant changes to her5 expression (p > 0.05), but SU5402 does (p < 0.001). Addition of 30µM IWR-1 in the presence of SU5402 has an affect on her5 expression with low significance (p < 0.1), but overall IWR-1 does not significantly alter the response of her5 to SU5402 (p = 0.076). Fit of data to models R2 = 0.67

i) her5 expression as a function of IWR-1 and SU5402 concentration.Inline graphic

  Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) 0.48836 0.02693 18.136 < 2e-16 ***
fIWR120 0.03078 0.03942 0.781 0.440123
fIWR130 0.03709 0.04113 0.902 0.373348
fSU540210 −0.14845 0.03808 −3.898 0.000418 ***
fIWR120:fSU540210 −0.05031 0.05697 −0.883 0.383250
fIWR130:fSU540210 −0.10557 0.05817 −1.815 0.078133.
ii) her5 expression as a function of IWR-1 and SU5402 presence. Inline graphic
Estimate Std.
t value
(Intercept) 0.489451 0.025566 19.145 < 2e-16***
fSU540210 −0.145272 0.036210 −4.012 0.000282***
IWR1 0.001297 0.001294 1.003 0.322598
fSU540210:IWR1 −0.003342 0.001833 −1.823 0.076349.