Figure 6.
Pharmacological inhibition of PTP1B in acinar cells exacerbates cerulein (Cer)-induced inflammation. A: Murine pancreatic acinar 266-6 cells were pretreated with PTP1B inhibitor for 2 hours, then exposed to cerulein for 24 hours. Cell lysates were immunoblotted for PTP1B, SHP1, TCPTP, and tubulin. Representative immunoblots are shown. Cell lysates from control and cerulein-treated cells, with and without PTP1B inhibition were immunoblotted for pIKKα, pIκBα, pNF-κB p65 (B), pp38, pJNK1/2 (C), pPERK, peIF2α, caspase 3 (D), and respective unphosphorylated proteins and tubulin.