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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Apr 5.
Published in final edited form as: Ann Intern Med. 2016 Jan 26;164(7):456–463. doi: 10.7326/M15-0983

Table 2.

FIT Performance Characteristics at Each Round of Screening and Overall*

Variable Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Total
FIT participation

 KPNC 179 423/348 510 (51.5) 104 255/133 652 (78.0)   93 999/111 190 (84.5)   85 695/96 634 (88.7) 463 372/689 986 (67.2)

 KPSC 143 926/322 331 (44.7)   79 733/110 824 (71.9)   69 282/84 503 (82.0)   59 757/72 219 (82.7) 352 698/589 877 (59.8)

 Total 323 349/670 841 (48.2) 183 988/244 476 (75.3) 163 281/195 693 (83.4) 145 452/168 853 (86.1) 816 070/1 279 863 (63.8)

FIT positivity
 KPNC      8495/179 423 (4.7)      3781/104 255 (3.6)      3303/93 999 (3.5)      3507/85 695 (4.1)   19 086/463 372 (4.1)

 KPSC      7542/143 926 (5.2)      3362/79 733 (4.2)      2799/69 282 (4.0)      2704/59 757 (4.5)   16 407/352 698 (4.7)

 Total   16 037/323 349 (5.0)      7143/183 988 (3.9)      6102/163 281 (3.7)      6211/145 452 (4.3)   35 493/816 070 (4.3)
Follow-up colonoscopy

 KPNC      6396/8495 (75.3)      2962/3781 (78.3)      2657/3303 (80.4)      2880/3507 (82.1)   14 895/19 086 (78.0)

 KPSC      5717/7542 (75.8)      2785/3362 (82.8)      2255/2799 (80.6)      2159/2704 (79.8)   12 916/16 407 (78.7)

 Total   12 113/16 037 (75.5)      5747/7143 (80.5)      4912/6102 (80.5)      5039/6211 (81.1)   27 811/35 493 (78.4)

 Adenoma for KPNC      3297/6396 (51.5)      1403/2962 (47.4)      1288/2657 (48.5)      1380/2880 (47.9)      7368/14 895 (50.1)

 Advanced adenoma for KPNC        895/6396 (14.0)        295/2962 (10.0)        265/2657 (10.0)        243/2880 (8.4)      1698/14 895 (11.4)

  KPNC        322/8495 (3.8)          84/3781 (2.2)          75/3303 (2.3)          71/3507 (2.0)        552/19 086 (2.9)

  KPSC        223/7542 (3.0)          63/3362 (1.9)          63/2799 (2.3)          57/2704 (2.1)        406/16 407 (2.5)

  Total        545/16 037 (3.4)        147/7143 (2.1)        138/6102 (2.3)        128/6211 (2.1)        958/35 493 (2.7)

CRC = colorectal cancer; FIT = fecal immunochemical test; KPNC = Kaiser Permanente Northern California; KPSC = Kaiser Permanente Southern California; PPV = positive predictive value.


Values are numbers/totals (percentages).

Adenomas with villous or tubulovillous histologic characteristics.