Table 2. Salt-induced leaf dehydration.
Leaf water content (%) after four weeks of treatment with increasing NaCl concentrations, in the three selected Plantago species (means ± SD, n = 5). Different lower case letters within each species indicate significant differences among treatments according to Tukey test (α = 0.05).
Treatments (NaCl) | P. crassifolia | P. coronopus | P. major |
0 mM | 95.41±0.20e | 91.63±0.61e | 84.54±2.20c |
100 mM | 94.33±0.24d | 91.30±0.89be | 82.50±1.09c |
200 mM | 92.13±0.39c | 89.47±0.75d | 81.61±1.13c |
400 mM | 86.39±3.76b | 85.58±0.11c | 72.70±0.91b |
600 mM | 85.89±1.23b | 83.72±0.42b | 71.35±1.11ab |
800 mM | 83.85±0.44a | 78.45±0.59a | 69.09±2.28a |