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. 2016 Aug 4;10(8):e0004896. doi: 10.1371/journal.pntd.0004896

Table 1. ALI as a potential reservoir for transmission in the Indian subcontinent.

Reference Bangladesh India Nepal
Prevalence of ALI
- rk39 ICT [50,5862] 0.25% 5.6–13.8%
- rk39 ELISA [41,42,44,47,49,63,64] 10–14% 5.4–26.3% 6.4–12.6%
- DAT [41,42,44,50,51,54,56,6163,6572] 3.02% 3.1–26.4% 4.4–16.2%
- LST [47,54,73,74] 19–35% 19–23.1% 13.2%
- PCR [42,53,58,62,65,71,75,76] 7.2–36.9% 5.1–17.9%
Prevalence among healthy contacts of current or past VL cases
- rk39 ICT [60] 0.08%
- rk39 ELISA [42,77] 19.5–43.6%
- DAT [42,65,66,69] 14.4–100% 20.8%
- IFAT [78] 17.5%
- LST [78] 5%
- PCR [42,65] 20.6% 12.5%
Incidence (1y)
- rk39 ICT [60] 0% (6mo)
- rk39 ELISA [41,44,46,47] 6.31% 1.3–27.3%
- DAT [41,44,46,48,55,72] 2.5–27.3% 2.9–7.2%
- qPCR (parasite/ml) [46] 34.8% (>0); 3.8% (>1p/ml); 1.36% (>5p/ml);
-rKRP42 ELISA (at 30mo) [79] 23.4%
ALI to VL ratio [47,48] 4:1 7.6:1 9.6:1
Risk factors for ALI
- contact of VL (cf non-contact of VL) OR [47,5052,57,65] 1.37–1.85 1.25–3.71 1.66–5.5
- presence of other seropositive or sero-converter in house OR [52] 1.37–2.22 1.37–2.22
- family size OR [54] 4.4
- damp floor OR [55] 2.4
- mud walls OR [54,55] 28.9 4.3 3.0
- proximity to pond OR [54,55] 2.1 3.7
- proximity to forest OR [57] 3.67
- livestock ownership OR [5456] 1.16–2.1 0.4–1.0
- cattle density OR [47,51] 0.97 0.63
- spatial clustering of PCR+ human with PCR+ animals [53] significant
- Risk of spatial clustering of PCR+ or sero+ human for transmission [49,53] High risk No effect
- sleeping covered/inside OR [55] 0.5–0.6
- age OR [41,47,51,52,54,56] 1.12 1.57–3.68 1.57–7.29
- highest (cf lowest) SES OR [52] 0.63 0.63
- poverty OR [51] 3.86
- indoor residual spraying OR [55] No effect
- IRS more than 18mo ago OR [52] 1.53 1.53
- use of bednet OR [47,52,55] No effect– 0.82 (ns) 0.7–1.09 (ns) 0.66 (ns)
Proportion asymptomatic with spontaneous resolution at 1y
- rk39 ELISA [41,47,62] 50.21% 59–60%
- DAT [41,48,62,66] 33–86.7% 86.7%
Progression of ALI to VL within 1y
- rk39 ICT [58,62] 12.5–23.1%
- rk39 ELISA [44,47,49] 5.4–25% (6mo– 2y) 1.8–23.3% 7.7%
- DAT [44,48,50,68] 5.4% (2y) 1.5–16.6% 1.681 – 9.8%
- PCR [46,58] 2.5–17.9%
-rKRP42 ELISA [79] 29.2%
- Contacts of VL case [58,66,77] 24.1–69.1%
- Contacts of active VL case [66] 18.8%
- Contacts of cured VL case [66] 30.8%
- Non-contacts [58,66] 5–38%
Risk factors for progression of ALI to VL
- contact of VL (cf non-contact) OR [47,62,66] 2.85 3.36–4.82
- contact of cured VL (cf contact of active VL) OR [66] 1.64
- Risk of spatial clustering of PCR+ or sero+ for progression to VL [49] Highest risk
- age (10y increment) OR [47] 0.74
- beef, goat consumption OR [47] 0.49
Biomarkers for progression of ALI to VL
- rk39 titres HR [44,80]
Negative reference reference reference
Mod positive 1.6 1.6–4.9 --
Strongly positive 17.7 7.7–39.6 26.9
- rk39 titres among contacts of VL (positive predictive value) [77] 44% at 3mo, 56.6% at 6mo;
- rk39 / DAT titres high [46] 60%
- Sero-converters rk39 titres HR [44,80]
Negative reference reference
Mod positive 4.7 0.9 (ns)
Strongly positive 165 15.9–123.9
- DAT titres HR [44]
<1:1600 reference reference
1600 - <25600 1.0–3.8 --
>1:25600 7.9–26.6 35.6
- Sero-converters DAT titres HR [44]
<1:1600 reference reference
1600 - <25600 6.6–9.0 10.1
>1:25600 44.5–111.0 99.2
DAT+ve (cf DAT-ve) RR at 1y [48] 3.42 3.42
Recent DAT sero-converter (cf EHC) RR at 1y [48] 11.5 11.5
Immune and other markers
- IFN- γ, NO, CRP [47,81] Raised Raised
- TNF –α, IL-2, IL-4 [81] Low
- Serum retinol, zinc [47] Low
Parasite markers
- parasite load (>5genome equivalent/mL) [46,76] 80%

1: at 6mo follow up

Note: cf (compared from); CRP (C-reactive protein); DAT (Direct agglutination test); EHC (Endemic healthy controls); ELISA (Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay); HR (Hazard ratio); IFN- γ (Interferon gamma); IL-2 (Interleukin 2), IL-4 (Interleukin 4); LST (Leishmanin skin test); NO (Nitric oxides); OR (Odds ratio); PCR (Polymerase chain reaction); qPCR (quantitative polymerase chain reaction); rk39 (recombinant kinetoplast 39); RR (Relative risk); TNF –α (Tumor necrosis factor alpha)