Effect of Y27632 on axonal retraction by photoreceptors after retinal detachment in vivo. (A, C) Representative confocal images of control detached retina (BD) and detached retina treated with 10 mM Y27632 (YD) labeled for SV2 (green) and nuclei (red). SV2-labeled spots (white arrows) in the ONL indicate axonal retraction. (B, D) Binary images created from A, C. SV2-labeled spots are indicated with red arrows. The number of labeled pixels in the ONL delimited by the red borders was determined and divided by the length of examined ONL as in Figure 10. (E) Normal retina without detachment is shown for comparison. (F, G) Treatment with 1 mM and 10 mM Y27632. Comparison of SV2-labeled pixels/unit retinal length in different retinal areas (BC and BD, attached and detached areas, respectively, in the eye using BSS for detachment; YC and YD, attached and detached areas, respectively, in the eye using Y27632 for detachment). In both treatment groups, there are no significant differences between BC and BD in SV2-labeled pixels. For 1 mM Y27632, labeled pixels in YD were 34.5% less than labeled pixels in BD (*P = 0.02; n = 48 retinal sections; 16 samples; four pigs). There was also a reduction in pixel labeling to 38.7% in YD compared to that in YC (P = 0.06; n = 48 retinal sections; 16 samples; four pigs). For 10 mM Y27632, labeled pixels in YD and YC were 43.7% (*P = 0.02) and 29.9% (*P = 0.04), respectively, less than labeled pixels in BD. Thus, only with 10 mM Y27632 was there a reduction in pixel labeling in the YC area compared to that in BD. Finally, there was also a significant reduction in labeled pixels in YD compared to that in YC by 24.4% (**P = 0.009; n = 48 retinal sections; 16 samples; four pigs).