Figure 4. Morphine-induced hyperalgesia depends on microglia activation.
a. CD11b expression in rat SDH following 5 days of saline or morphine treatment (scale bar, 30 μm) and fluorescence intensity quantification (CTR: 0.84 ± 0.06 i.u., n = 28 sections; MS: 2.78 ± 0.22 i.u., n = 34 sections; U: 8, P < 0.001). b–d. Effects of intrathecal injection of anti-mac1saporin-conjugated antibody (vs saporin alone) on SDH CD11b expression, morphine-induced hyperalgesia and tolerance (intrathecal injections were performed from day 7 to 9 of morphine treatment): b. CD11b expression in SDH after microglia depletion with anti-mac1 antibody (scale bar 50 μm) (sap: 10.12 ± 1.32 i.u., n = 17 sections; mac-1-sap: 7.84 ± 2.23 i.u., n = 16 sections; U: 55, **P < 0.01); c. Thermal pain threshold before morphine injection (mac1-saporin vs saporin alone at day 9, U: 1; **P < 0.01); d. Thermal pain threshold 1h after morphine injection (day 9, U: 12, P > 0.05). All threshold values in the figure are normalized to the baseline. Abb.: PWT = paw withdrawal threshold; CTR = control; MS = morphine sulphate; sap = saporin; mac1-sap = saporin-conjugated anti-mac1 antibody; error bars = s.e.m.