Regulation of TrkA, P75NTR and TrkB transcript levels in littermate wildtype (WT) and in mice with chronic urothelial NGF overexpression (NGF-OE) in urothelium (A1–A3) and detrusor smooth muscle (B1–B3) with or without cyclophosphamide (CYP) treatment of varying duration (4 hours (h), 48 h, chronic). Relative expression of the urothelium (A1–A3) and detrusor (B1–B3) receptor transcripts are expressed as a percentage of WT urothelium and normalized to the relative expression of the housekeeping gene, 18S. A1, B1: TrkA mRNA expression. A2, B2: P75NTR mRNA expression. A3, B3: TrkB mRNA expression. Samples size are n of 6–8; *, p ≤ 0.05 versus control; #, p ≤ 0.05 between WT and NGF-OE.