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. 2016 Jun 18;31(9):1362–1372. doi: 10.3346/jkms.2016.31.9.1362

Table 5. OR and 95% CI of multilevel regression analysis of SHS exposure in a public place.

Categorical variables Male Female
OR 95% CI OR 95% CI
Individual variables
Social and demographic factors
   Younger (19-39 yr) Ref Ref
   Middle-aged (40-59 yr) 0.977 0.971-0.983 0.975 0.970-0.979
   Older (60 yr and older) 0.955 0.948-0.963 0.934 0.927-0.941
   ≤ Elementary school Ref Ref
   Middle school 1.009 0.997-1.02 1.057 1.049-1.064
   High school 1.011* 1.001-1.022 1.068 1.061-1.075
   College or higher 1.025 1.015-1.036 1.080 1.073-1.088
  Household income yearly
   1st quartile (lowest) Ref Ref
   2nd quartile 1.034 1.025-1.042 1.007 1.001-1.013
   3rd quartile 1.034 1.025-1.043 1.005 0.999-1.011
   4th quartile (highest) 1.031 1.022-1.041 0.998 0.992-1.004
  Location of residence
   Rural area Ref Ref
   Urban area 1.036* 1.000-1.075 1.042* 1.002-1.085
Health-related factors
  Smoking status
   Never smoker Ref Ref
   Ex-smoker 1.024 1.018-1.029 0.997 0.987-1.008
   No Ref Ref
   Yes 1.068 1.061-1.075 1.051 1.047-1.055
  Physical activity
   No Ref Ref
   Yes 1.008 1.002-1.013 1.009 1.004-1.014
Regional-level variables
Health behavior factors
  Prevalence of active smoking 1.012 0.992-1.012 1.002 0.991-1.013
  Heavy drinking rate 1.024 1.003-1.023 1.014* 1.003-1.025
  Cancer screening rate 1.022 0.999-1.018 1.012* 1.002-1.023
Socioeconomic status
  Normalized household income
   1st quartile (lowest) Ref
   2nd quartile 1.044 0.964-1.037 1.007 0.968-1.048
   3rd quartile 1.11 0.995-1.098 1.054 0.998-1.113
   4th quartile (highest) 1.129 0.980-1.100 1.059 0.993-1.129
  High school graduation rates 1.028 0.983-1.024 1.007 0.985-1.031
  Unemployment rate 1.007 0.991-1.01 0.996 0.985-1.007
  Proportion of family with single parents or grandparents only 1.042 0.999-1.029 1.022 1.004-1.039
Health policy
  Proportion of health budget 1.004 0.994-1.015 1.006 0.994-1.018
  Financial autonomy 0.999 0.988-1.010 0.997 0.984-1.009
  Year of smoke-free ordinance implementation
   No implementation Ref Ref
   In 2013 1.006 0.977-1.036 0.999 0.967-1.032
   In 2012 1.015 0.984-1.047 1.018 0.984-1.054
   Before or in 2011 0.998 0.963-1.035 0.995 0.946-1.035
   Region variance (SE) 0.302 (0.031) 0.314 (0.030)

OR, odds ratio; 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; SHS, secondhand smoke; SE: standard error.

* P value less than 0.05; P value less than 0.01.