Pluripotency of gene-corrected β-Thal iPSCs.
A and B, immunostaining for OCT4 and SSEA-4 showed that the β-iPS-41/42 cells and the two corrected iPSC clones (c-iPS-1 and c-iPS-2) retained pluripotency. hES-10 was a positive control. C, hematoxylin and eosin staining of teratomas derived from the β-iPS-41/42 cells and the gene-corrected c-iPS-1 and c-iPS-2 cells. D, normal karyotypes of β-iPS-41/42 cells and the gene-corrected c-iPS-1 and c-iPS-2 clones. E, pie chart showing the ratio of the identities among the three iPS cell lines according to 749,157 genome-wide SNP probes.