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. 2016 May 5;229(3):473–481. doi: 10.1111/joa.12484

Table 2.

Anatomical features in the skull of the frog skeleton, as listed in De Iuliis & Pulerà (2010), are generally well‐resolved in the 3D digital model and 3D print. The hyoid apparatus was not present in the scanned specimen and is therefore absent in the digital model and 3D print. Some features were not visible because the physical specimen was articulated and had remnant muscle tissue. A, feature was absent from the physical specimen; NR, feature is not well‐resolved and is effectively absent; O, feature is obscured by another structure; P, feature is present. See also Fig. 3

Anatomical feature Scan Print Anatomical feature Scan Print
Angulare P P Meckel's cartilage O A
Annular cartilage P P Mentomeckalian P P
Anterior cornu A A Nasals P P
Columella A A Occipital O A
Coronoid process O A Occipital condyle O A
Dentary P P Orbits P P
Foramen magnum O A Palatines P NR
Foramen ovale O A Parasphenoid P NR
Frontoparietals P P Posterior cornu A A
Hyoid apparatus A A Premaxilla P P
Interpterygoid vacuities P P Premaxillary teeth A A
Mandible P P Prootic P P
Maxilla P P Sphenethmoids P NR
Maxillary teeth A A