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. 2016 Aug 4;31(8):1913–1925. doi: 10.1093/humrep/dew142

Table IV.

Phenotype data of premature ovarian failure (POF) patients carrying aberrations with potentially clinical significance.

Case ID Locus CN Phenotype
Age at study (years) Age of menarche (years) Age at menopause (yr) No. of pregnancies No. of live births Smoking status Concomitant diseases (age of diagnose)
Case1 1q43 1 71 18 40a 4 2 Never smoked Hypothyroidism (24 yr); primary hypertension (67 yr)
Case2 2p13.11 1 53 11 39 3 2 Never smoked Adiposity (42 yr); hypertension with heart failure (50 yr)
Case3 2q33.1 3 41 11 33 5 2 Never smoked Unspecified arthrosis (35 yr)
Case4 6q27 3 39 12 24 2 1 (IVF) Current smoker Arthritis (24 yr); asthma (29 yr)
Case5 7p14.3 1 58 15 32 4 2 Never smoked Allergic contact dermatitis (45 yr); coxarthrosis and unspecified rheumatism (52 yr); post-menopausal osteoporosis (53 yr); primary hypertension (55 yr)
Case6 9q22.31 1 68 15 38 2 1 Never smoked
Case7 10q26.3 1 56 13 38 6 3 Never smoked Allergic contact dermatitis (45 yr); hypertension with heart failure (50 yr); unspecified polyarthritis (57 yr);
Case8 10q26.3 1 69 18 30 0 0 Never smoked Primary bilateral gonarthrosis (49 yr); hypertension with heart failure (52 yr); familial hypercholesterolemia (62 yr); Type 2 diabetes (67 yr)
Case9 12q24.31 3 51 16 40 1 1 Former smoker
Case10 15q25.2 1 55 13 38 3 2 Never smoked
Case11 16p13.12 3 50 15 39 5 3 Current smoker Adiposity (41 yr)
Case12 17q12 3 74 15 39 2 2 Never smoked Hypertension with heart failure (73 yr)
Case13 22q13.2 1 47 13 37 0 0 Current smoker
Case14 Xp22.31 3 52 13 40 1 1 Current smoker Spondylosis with radiculopathy of unspecified location (33 yr)
Case15 Xp22.31 3 37 17 37 3 2 Current smoker
Case16 Xq12 3 31 13 25 3 3 Current smoker
Case17 Xq22.1-q24 1 52 12 40 3 2 Never smoked

Subsequent whole-exome sequencing was performed for cases indicated in bold; yr, year.

aAge of 39 years and 6–11 months was rounded to 40 years.