Fig. 6.
Dominant bacterial genera are potentially associated with the presence of caries in the saliva-unique community type E. The relative abundance of the most abundant genera in the samples assigned to each of the sample types (the value for the genus Haemophilus is expressed as the mean ± s.d.; the other two genera are shown with the IQR and the 95 % confidence interval; n (HS) = 3; n (CS) = 3; n (PS) = 15; n (CPS) = 4). Statistical significance was evaluated using Student’s t-test (the genus Haemophilus) or the Kruskal-Wallis one-way analysis of variance on ranks (the other two genera) with adjusted P-values: *** < 0.001, ** < 0.01, and * < 0.05. The positive correlations among three genera marked by lines with arrows were calculated using the Spearman rank-order correlation with the correlation coefficient R and the P values