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. 2016 Aug 5;16:112. doi: 10.1186/s12890-016-0272-7

Table 5.

Logistic Regression Analysis for the association of each socio-demographic trait and asthma. “Yes/No” categories were based on the answer of having or not the respective trait. Abbreviations: CI = confidence interval

Characteristics OR 95 % CI P-value
 Male 1.00
 Female 2.43 1.05-5.63 0.038
 14-24 2.29 0.50-10.53 0.286
 25-35 1.37 0.61-3.10 0.443
 36-45 3.57 1.12-11.38 0.031
 46+ 1.00
 High School or less 2.00 0.67-5.99 0.216
 Post-secondary Studies 1.22 0.45-3.28 0.694
 Graduate Studies 1.00
Marital Status
 Single 1.00
 Married/Living with someone 0.65 0.30-1.41 0.274
 Widow 0.50 0.08-3.26 0.469
 Divorced 0.64 0.09-2.20 0.481
Metropolitan Area Residence
 No 1.00
 Yes 1.44 0.70-2.98 0.321
Smoking Anytime in Life
 No 1.00
 Yes 1.48 0.66-3.32 0.337
Currently Smoking
 No 1.00
 Yes 3.13 0.59-16.58 0.181
Passive Smoking
 No 1.00
 Yes 1.50 0.50-4.52 0.471
First Line Asthmatic Relative
 No 1.00
 Yes 1.44 0.49-4.22 0.504
Indoor Pets
 No 1.00
 Yes 1.14 0.56-2.32 0.717

Legend: OR odds ratio, CI confidence interval