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. 2016 Aug 5;15(3):410–416.

Table 3.

Comparison of peak oxygen uptake (mL·min-1·kg-1) and peak heart rate (bpm) between the incremental sit-to-stand exercises and cycle-ergometer test. Values are presented as mean s (± standard deviation) (n = 13).

80% ISTS 100% ISTS 120% ISTS 140% ISTS CE F-value Post-hoc
Peak VO2 26.7 (1.6) 23.1 (1.8) 18.4 (1.7) 15.4 (1.7) 31.0 (3.7) 149.6* CE > 80% > 100% > 120% > 140%
Peak HR 173(7) 155(13) 132(13) 119(8) 176(6) 150.7* 80%, CE > 100% > 120% > 140%
Compl. time 643(56) 720 (0) 720 (0) 720 (0) 472(70) 126.7* 100%, 120%, 140% > 80% >CE

CE, cycle ergometer; HR, heart rate; ISTS, incremental sit-to-stand; peak VO2, peak oxygen uptake; Compl. Time: Completion time (sec). F-values were determined by the one-way analysis of variance with repeated measures.

* p < 0.05.