Table 3. Human crania sorted by their Euclidean distance from the group centroid.
Specimen | Region/Population | Distance from centroid |
VL/24631 | Khoe-San, South Africa | 0.1011 (1.49) |
VL/38781 | Greifenberg, Austria | 0.0939 (1.38) |
99/78891 | Malay Archipelago, SE Asia | 0.0918 (1.35) |
VL/3818 | Greifenberg, Austria | 0.0885 (1.31) |
VL/269 | Tasmanian | 0.0881 (1.30) |
VL/229 | Kalmuk, Western Mongolia | 0.0876 (1.29) |
VL/408 | Mhehe, East Africa | 0.0871 (1.28) |
99.1/5111 | Point Hope, Alaska | 0.0871 (1.28) |
99/8155 | Aboriginal Australian | 0.0842 (1.24) |
99/6562 | Māori, New Zealand | 0.0830 (1.22) |
VL/271 | Tasmanian | 0.0824 (1.22) |
VL/24701 | Khoe-San, South Africa | 0.0788 (1.16) |
VL/1902 | Māori, New Zealand | 0.0777 (1.15) |
99.1/490 | Point Hope, Alaska | 0.0770 (1.14) |
99/8165 | Aboriginal Australian | 0.0767 (1.13) |
VL/272 | Tasmanian | 0.0750 (1.11) |
VL3619 | Greifenberg, Austria | 0.0745 (1.10) |
99/7333 | Grand Gulch, Utah | 0.0741 (1.09) |
99/8177 | Aboriginal Australian | 0.0740 (1.09) |
VL/2267 | Kakoletri, Greece | 0.0733 (1.08) |
VL/1729 | Tientsin, China | 0.0728 (1.07) |
VL/16021 | Ashanti, West Africa | 0.0727 (1.07) |
VL/274 | Tasmanian | 0.0721 (1.06) |
VL/2389 | Ashanti, West Africa | 0.0721 (1.06) |
99/8171 | Aboriginal Australian | 0.0720 (1.06) |
99/73651 | Grand Gulch, Utah | 0.0496 (0.73) |
Specimens selected to be modeled using FEA.