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. 2016 Jul 28;13:E99. doi: 10.5888/pcd13.160073
Metric BRFSS Question Definition for Ideal Cardiovascular Health
Body mass index About how much do you weigh without shoes? About how tall are you without shoes? BMI = 18.5–24.9. BMI is calculated as weight measured in kilograms (kg) divided by height measured in meters squared.
Smoking status Have you smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your entire life?
Do you now smoke cigarettes every day, some days, or not at all?
During the past 12 months, have you stopped smoking for 1 day or longer because you were trying to quit smoking?
How long has it been since you last smoked cigarettes regularly?
Had not smoked at least 100 cigarettes in your lifetime; or reported smoking 100 cigarettes in your lifetime but not currently smoking.
Physical activity Now, thinking about the moderate activities you do in a usual week, do you do moderate activities for at least 10 min at a time, such as brisk walking, bicycling, vacuuming, gardening, or anything else that causes some increase in breathing or heart rate?
How many days/week do you do these moderate activities for at least10 min at a time?
On days when you do moderate activities for at least 10 min at a time, how much total time per day do you spend doing these activities?
Now, thinking about the vigorous activities you do in a usual week, do you do vigorous activities for at least 10 min at a time, such as running, aerobics, heavy yard work, or anything else that causes large increases in breathing or heart rate?
How many days/week do you do these vigorous activities for at least 10 min at a time?
On days when you do vigorous activities for at least 10 min at a time, how much total time per day do you spend doing these activities?
Did enough moderate or vigorous physical activity to meet the recommendation of ≥150 min a week of moderate-intensity activity, ≥75 min of vigorous-intensity activity, or an equivalent combination of aerobic physical activity.
Healthy diet During the past month, how many times per day, week or month did you drink 100% PURE fruit juices?
During the past month, not counting juice, how many times per day, week, or month did you eat fruit?
During the past month, how many times per day, week, or month did you eat cooked or canned beans, such as refried, baked, black, garbanzo beans, beans in soup, soybeans, edamame, tofu or lentils?
During the past month, how many times per day, week, or month did you eat dark green vegetables for example broccoli or dark leafy greens including romaine, chard, collard greens or spinach?
During the past month, how many times per day, week, or month did you eat orange-colored vegetables such as sweet potatoes, pumpkin, winter squash, or carrots?
Not counting what you just told me about, during the past month, about how many times per day, week, or month did you eat OTHER vegetables?
Met sex- and age-specific cup equivalent recommendations for fruit or vegetable intake.
Diabetes Have you ever been told by a doctor that you have diabetes? Answered “no”
Hypertension Have you ever told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that you have high blood pressure? Answered “no”
Cholesterol Those who have cholesterol screened — Have you ever been told by a doctor, nurse, or other health professional that your blood cholesterol is high? Answered “no”

Abbreviation: BRFSS, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System.