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. 2016 Feb 9;27(1):48–65.

Table 3.

Adult reference intervals (RIs) for chemistry analytes determined by direct RI studies or by consensus

Analyte Unit Australia44 Turkey43 Nordic countries16 United Kingdom5 Japan42 Canada38 Australasia3
Cat 2a Direct Cat 2a Direct Cat 2a Direct Cat 4 Consensus Cat 2a Direct Cat 2a Direct Cat 4 Consensus
Architect Architect Multiple platforms Multiple platforms 4 main platforms Architect 8 main platforms
Sodium (M) mmol/L 136-145 137-144 137-145 133-146 137-144 16-49y: 137-142 135-145
50-79y: 136-143
Sodium (F) mmol/L 136-145 137-144 137-145 133-146 137-144 16-49y: 137-143 135-145
50-79y: 136-143
Potassium mmol/L 3.7-4.9 3.7-4.9 3.6-4.6 3.5-5.3 3.6-4.8 3.8-4.9 3.5-5.2
Chloride mmol/L 101-110 99-107 - 95-108 101-108 30-79y: 102-108 95-110
Bicarbonate mmol/L 20-29* - - 22-29 - 19-26 22-32
Creatinine (M) µmol/L <75y: 65-103 59-92 60-100 60-100 57-94 16-79y: 63-102 60-110***
75+y: 47-120
Creatinine (F) µmol/L <75y: 54-83 50-71 50-90 60-100 41-69 17-79y: 49-85 45-90***
75+y: 40-91
Calcium (M) mmol/L 2.19-2.56 2.15-2.47 2.15-2.51 2.2-2.6 (adjusted)** 2.2-2.5 20-39y: 2.28-2.60 2-10-2.60
40-79y: 2.24-2.56
Calcium (F) mmol/L 2.19-2.56 2.15-2.47 2.15-2.51 2.2-2.6 (adjusted)** 2.2-2.5 20-39y: 2.24-2.53 2-10-2.60
40-79y: 2.24-2.56
Magnesium mmol/L 0.77-1.04 0.77-1.06 0.71-0.94 0.7-1.0 0.7-1.0 - 0.7-1.1
Phosphate (M) mmol/L 0.83-1.36 0.80-1.40 <50y: 0.75-1.65 0.8-1.5 - 16-47y: 0.95-1.52 0.75-1.50
50+y: 0.75-1.35 48-79y: 0.89-1.52
Phosphate (F) mmol/L 0.88-1.44 0.80-1.40 0.85-1.50 0.8-1.5 - 16-47y: 0.95-1.52 0.75-1.50
48-79y: 0.99-1.54
LDH (M) U/L 130-230 126-220 <70y: 105-205 - 124-226 [JSCC] - 120-250 (L-P [IFCC])
70+y: 115-255
LDH (F) U/L 122-232 126-220 <70y: 105-205 - 124-226 [JSCC] - 120-250 (L-P [IFCC])
70+y: 115-255
U/L <45y: 52-340 48-227 <50y: 50-400 40-320 61-257 [JSCC] - <60y: 45-250
CK (M) 45-65y: 55-357 50+y: 40-280 60+y: 40-200
65+y: 49-207
U/L <45y: 37-247 34-131 35-210 25-200 43-157 [JSCC] - 30-150
CK (F) 45-65y: 39-230
65+y: 36-190
ALP (M) U/L <75y: 43-112 43-116 35-105 30-130 122-330 [JSCC] 16-21y: 56-167 30-110
75+y: 42-126 22-79y: 50-116
ALP (F) U/L <45y: 32-96 <50y: 34-97 35-105 30-130 104-299 [JSCC] 16-29y: 44-107 30-110
45-75y: 40-132 50+y: 47-133 30-79y: 46-122
75+y: 44-146
ALT (M) U/L <75y: 11-41 9-57 10-70 10-42 [JSCC] 18-49y: 18-78 5-40 (no P5P)
75+y: 9-48 50-79y: 20-62
ALT (F) U/L <75y: 9-35 7-28 10-45 7-27 [JSCC] 12-49y: 14-41 5-35 (no P5P)
75+y: 8-33 50-79y: 16-44
AST (M) U/L <75y: 14-36 13-30 15-45 14-32 [JSCC] 18-54y: 18-54 5-35 (no P5P)
75+y: 14-34 55-79y: 18-39
AST (F) U/L <75y: 13-31 11-25 15-35 12-27 [JSCC] 20-54y: 18-34 5-30 (no P5P)
75+y: 14-35 55-79y: 18-39
GGT (M) U/L <45y: 9-63 11-69 <40y: 10-80 12-65 [JSCC] 20-35y: 12-62 5-50
45-75y: 13-72 40+y: 15-115 36-79y: 13-109
75+y: 15-78
GGT (F) U/L <45y: 9-49 7-33 <40y: 10-45 9-38 [JSCC] 18-35y: 12-38 5-35
45-75y: 9-55 40+y: 10-75 36-79y: 10-54
75+y: 9-57
Total Protein g/L 62-79 66-82 62-78 60-80 66-80 20-29y: 65-83 60-80
30-79y: 65-78
Total Bilirubin (M) µmol/L 5-20 3.8-24.1 5-25 <21 6.4-24.8 16-48y: 3-18 1-20
49-79y: 2-20
Total Bilirubin (F) µmol/L 5-21 2.7-15.9 5-25 <22 6.4-24.8 16-48y: 1-16 1-20
49-79y: 1-17

* Bicarbonate measured prior to Abbott recalibration

** Calcium is adjusted for albumin

*** Creatinine has harmonised RIs for adults up to the age of 60 y.

ALP: alkaline phosphatase; ALT: alanine aminotransferase; AST: aspartate aminotransferase; Cat: category according to Stockholm Hierarchy; CK: creatine kinase; GGT: γ-glutamyltransferase; IFCC: International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine; JSCC: Japan Society of Clinical Chemistry; LDH: lactate dehydrogenase; P5P: pyridoxal 5’-phosphate.