Culture of dNK cells under different oxygen conditions alters the induction of trophoblast invasion and endothelial-like network formation. A) SGHPL-4 cells were cultured to form spheroids, as shown, and embedded in fibrin gel. Length and number of invasive processes were measured after incubation with dNK cell CM to determine total outgrowth length, which was increased in response to dNK cell CM collected at 10% O2 (*P < 0.05, n = 10 repeats of the experiment with dNK from 10 individual patients, bar = 100 μm). B) SGHPL-4 cells were cultured on Matrigel to induce endothelial-like network formation, which was assessed by counting the number and length of branches. Total length was increased in response to dNK cell CM cultured at 10% O2 compared to those at 2.6% and 21% O2 (*P < 0.05, n = 4 repeats of the experiment with dNK from 4 individual patients, bar = 500 μm). Data are means ± SEM; ns = not significant.