Retrieved Article:
Relates to Internet or social media used in health care AND mention of some aspect of CAM.
Focuses on evaluation of available online CAM information or CAM related product claims using defined criteria.
Highlights areas related to online spread or surveillance of CAM information.
Characterizes predictors of Internet and social media use and presents results related to CAM.
Highlights policies or guidelines for Internet or social media use in context of health care.
(For survey-based articles) Includes questions related to Internet or social media use for seeking and sharing CAM information.
Retrieved Article:
Does not contain any aspects of Internet or social media.
Does not contain any aspect of CAM use.
Is case study related to adverse reaction or biochemical analysis of ingredients from Internet purchased interventions.
Is exclusively listing of reliable sources of CAM information.
Focuses on describing methodology of how Internet-based questionnaires were administered for gaining information related to CAM use.
Focuses on information derived from biomedical literature databases.
Focuses on web-based consultations with clinicians.