A, Kaplan-Meier survival curve for 57 A10/17ΔEC mice and 54 AD10flox/flox/AD17flox/flox littermate controls. Median survival of A10/17ΔEC mice was ~14 weeks. B to E, representative isolectin-B4-stained retinas of P5 A10/17ΔEC mice (B) and A10flox/flox/A17flox/flox controls without Tie2-Cre (C). Higher magnification image of representative area of the A10/17ΔEC retina (D) shows increased isolectin-B4 stained vascular coverage at the leading edge compared to a control retina (E). F to G, Quantification of vascular density (F) and vascular loops per 0.1 mm2 (G) at the leading edge shows an increase in both parameters in A10/17ΔEC retinas (n=7) compared to controls (n=7). H, Retinal progression from the optic disk to the retina periphery was not significantly affected in A10/17ΔEC compared to controls. Data shown as mean ± SEM. *** signifies p<0.001, “ns” indicates no significant difference, two-tailed student’s t-test. Scale bars, 500µm (B-C), and 100µm (D-E).