Peperomia fruit characters and life form distribution. Pointed lines lead to SEM images of fruit phenotypes representative for each clade. Subgenera are named according to Frenzke et al. (2015). Color coding of picture frames and triangles of clades of the phylogenetic tree indicate the different life forms (brown-terrestrial; green-epiphytic). Shading of these clades is proportional to the respective species numbers being characterized by either terrestrial or epiphytic life form. Numbers in brackets refer to the estimated total number of species of each clade, the number of terrestrial species, and to the number of epiphytic species. The background rate for the entire tree, as well as the specific net diversification rate for the foreground clade are marked with red circles. (A)
P. bracteata, (B)
P. hispidula, (C)
P. dolabriformis, (D)
P. dahlstedtii, (E)
P. maypurensis, (F)
P. pellucida, (G)
P. procumbens, (H)
P. arifolia, (I)
P. species, (J)
P. crassicaulis, (K)
P. obtusifolia var. emarginata, (L)
P. lancifolia, (M)
P. pernambucensis, (N)
P. hirta, (O)
P. inaequalifolia, (P)
P. bicolor. Scale bars 200 μm.